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Poker is a game of incomplete information. You don’t know what cards your opponents have, how they’ll bet with them or whether a community card will come. As a result, decision making in poker (and in finance and other areas) is about estimating probabilities and acting under uncertainty.

It’s important to develop good poker instincts by playing and watching experienced players. Observe how they react to the cards that are played and try to mimic their behavior. Also, learn to read other players’ tells – those little quirks that give away their true intentions at the table. Tells can be anything from fiddling with a ring to how quickly a player checks or folds.

The best way to win in poker is by playing a hand with the best odds and avoiding bad beats. Many new poker players will chase too many hands, trying to improve their mediocre or weak holdings. This is a mistake that costs them money over the long term. Instead, players should play a tight style and conserve their chips for when they have the best chance of winning.

Another important aspect of poker strategy is pot control. This involves knowing when to call and when to raise your bets. This is important because it allows you to inflate the size of the pot when you have a strong value hand and to limit the size of the pot when you have mediocre or drawing hands.